Customizing EC2 instances from the Instance Factory

The Substrate-managed Instance Factory launches EC2 instances with the latest Amazon Linux 2 AMI by default. This is a good default. You should consider, if you’re just getting started, always using Amazon Linux 2 as the base operating system for your EC2 instances. If you’d rather use Ubuntu or something else, however, that’s perfectly reasonable and Substrate will help you do so. In fact, Substrate will help you customize EC2 instances from the Instance Factory however you see fit.

Define a launch template in your Substrate account called InstanceFactory-arm64 and another called InstanceFactory-x86_64. Specifically, define these Terraform resources in modules/intranet/regional/ (or another new file in that directory). Configure all your customizations there. Substrate will choose the appropriate launch template based on the instance type users choose in the Instance Factory.

Customizing via user data

If you define launch templates that does not include the image_id argument, Substrate will fill in the gap with its usual Amazon Linux 2 AMI. At first thought this might seem useless but it isn’t — you can customize almost anything you can imagine by providing an executable program to the user_data argument to the launch template:

resource "aws_launch_template" "instance-factory" {
  for_each = toset(["arm64", "x86_64"])

  name                   = "InstanceFactory-${each.key}"
  update_default_version = true
  user_data = base64encode(<<EOF
# <configure whatever you like here>

This gives you enough to e.g. install custom software or configure an SSH CA. The sky’s the limit!

Configuring Smallstep SSH via user data

You can use this technique to automatically enroll instances from the Instance Factory with Smallstep SSH. Add the following to modules/intranet/regional/

data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "smallstep-enrollment-token" {
  secret_id = "SmallstepEnrollmentToken"

resource "aws_launch_template" "instance-factory" {
  for_each = toset(["arm64", "x86_64"])

  name                   = "InstanceFactory-${each.key}"
  update_default_version = true
  user_data = base64encode(<<EOF

set -e -x

    ec2-metadata --availability-zone | cut -d" " -f"2" | head -c"-2"

TMP="$(mktemp -d)"
trap "rm -f -r \"$TMP\"" EXIT INT QUIT TERM

yum -y install "jq" "unzip"
which "jq"
which "unzip"

curl -o"$TMP/" -s "${each.key == "arm64" ? "aarch64" : each.key}.zip"
unzip "$TMP/" -d "$TMP"
"$TMP/aws/install" --update
which "aws"

curl -L -o"$TMP/smallstep.bash" -s ""
bash "$TMP/smallstep.bash" \
    --hostname "$(ec2-metadata --public-hostname | cut -d" " -f"2")" \
    --is-bastion \
    --tag "Manager=InstanceFactory" \
    --team "src-bin" \
    --token "$(
        aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id "SmallstepEnrollmentToken" |
        jq -r ".SecretString"
which "step"

Then create a secret in AWS Secrets Manager named “SmallstepEnrollmentToken”, accessible to principals in your Substrate account (by its account number only, rather than a specific role ARN), in each of your regions. Its value must be the enrollment token provided by Smallstep.

Customizing the AMI itself

If you define launch templates that do include the image_id argument, Substrate (well, AWS) will dutifully launch instances from your AMI of choice. And beyond that you can still go wild with user data and other possibilities opened by using a launch template. Here’s an example configuring the Instance Factory to use Ubuntu instead of Amazon Linux 2:

data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
  for_each = toset(["arm64", "x86_64"])

  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-${each.key == "x86_64" ? "amd64" : each.key}-server-*"]
  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]
  most_recent = true
  owners      = ["099720109477"] # Canonical

resource "aws_launch_template" "instance-factory" {
  for_each = toset(["arm64", "x86_64"])

  image_id               = data.aws_ami.ubuntu[each.value].id
  name                   = "InstanceFactory-${each.value}"
  update_default_version = true
  user_data = base64encode(<<EOF
# <configure whatever you like here>